About Us

BlinkSTOP came about as a solution to a problem that long-time Westfield kit car owner Mike Rowland had spotted while out on Club drive events. With surprising regularity, drivers would accidentally leave on their indicators, sometimes for miles after the last turn.
The combination of crash helmet, noise and concentration on the road ahead meant that the drivers would sometimes overlook the dashboard warning. Mike's earlier experience with microcontrollers lent itself to solving the problem at source and BlinkSTOP was developed, with the inclusion of a brake pedal inhibit function so that cancelling is delayed when paused at traffic lights or waiting to run.
BlinkSTOP was instantly popular within the Club and soon after, BeamSTOP was conceived.

BeamSTOP intelligently controls your headlamps using a momentary-on push button on your steering wheel. If the lights are already on, BeamSTOP switches the lamps from dipped beam to main beam. A second button push returns the headlights to dipped beam. Uniquely, if the headlights are off when the button is pressed, BeamSTOP will flash the main beam. Much of this functionality has now been included as standard in FREEWheel and BeamSTOP is now in the product support phase.

In 2012, Mike began a blog on the Westfield forums where he documented his path to a fully wireless steering wheel controls system. With the success of BlinkSTOP and the long term reliability of the wireless system established, it was a natural step to commercialise the project.
With the addition of a user configuration interface written by Liane and incorporating BlinkSTOP and BeamSTOP functions, along with an IVA fog light mode and rain light option, FREEWheel is constantly improving to meet the evolving needs of kit and race car owners and can be found all around the world. In fact, FREEWheel is making headway in the powerboating arena too.
FREEWheel's use of RF wireless technology with unique code identifiers and communication error checking, a five year IN-USE battery guarantee, built-in circuit and environmental protection and re-programmable nature means that we can proudly present FREEWheel as the most modern, most advanced and most flexible wireless steering wheel controls system available today.
If you're interested in one, or you don't see exactly what you want here, why not Contact Us and enquire? We have many more options than Liane can ever hope to list on the website!
See what our customers have been saying
With thanks to the awesome chaps at Gemzoe Motorsport, Street Bandito and Raced and Rallied!